Friday, February 4, 2011

Fashion Theory.... the name of my boutique on has some of the hottest clothes on the web, and now you can create your own "boutique" where you can add everything you love on the site, blog about your favorites and recent purchases, explore others' boutiques, and earn commissions when someone buys from your boutique.  And here is the incentive that clinched the deal for me:  20% discount on your first order.  So be sure that I got that Bailey 44 Aphrodite dress I've been stalking....

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I like to tell my students that all writing is writing.  And maybe some of the best writing is in the margins...... Or maybe it isn't even writing at all.  Check out these doodles from well-known authors.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

On writing, fashion, and design

Previously, my subtitle read: "On writing and not writing," but I've decided to refocus my blog for the new year.  After all, why write about not writing?

Did I have writer's block? Yes, it's true: I have chronic writer's block, but I'm thinking blogging is a cure for that.  My original subtitle was inspired by Marion Milner's On Not Being Able to Paint , which had informed, in a major way, my MA thesis on Virginia Woolf and Carmen Laforet, and the in which ways writers work through (or not) their first novel, and how the success or failure of that "working through" allows them to go on and continue to write, or impedes any further production.

So, since I have so many interests that go beyond my academic projects, I thought I'd try working them out through this blog.  And who knows? Perhaps after 365 days of blogging, I'll have a book.